Monday 5 May 2014

The Only Way To Get Really, Really Rich

Here's The Only Way To Get Really, Really Rich

After reading this article, I felt it made much sense.

Life is a journey and a long one. We should treat our life as though as an investment and make thorough analysis before a decision. Like buying a stock, in life we always have to weigh the downside and upside potential. Remember that we are always given a choice, it is up to us to choose it.

Rich people are the ones that are comfortable getting out of their comfort zone. Ironic huh? They are good at adapting to different environment and willing to experience and venture out. True enough, the rich are those that are entrepreneurs and not those earning salaries.

Where it gets interesting is how the top 400 made their money:
  • Wages and salaries: 8.6 percent
  • Interest: 6.6 percent
  • Dividends: 13 percent
  • Partnerships and corporations: 19.9 percent
  • Capital gains: 45.8 percent                              - Quoted from the article

Of cause, there is always a risk to starting up your own business. Everything in life has risk but it is how well we manage it. Hope this article brings inspiration to any entrepreneurs-to-be :)

Little Boy


  1. The next best is becoming investor while collecting salary?

    1. Hi Uncle CW8888,

      That will do for me either way. I will be happy and satisfied to have an iron rice bowl + collecting dividends (Passive income).


  2. Little Boy,

    "But when we talk about the life of an entrepreneur, about how it feels to be an entrepreneur, they all light up. They start to gush about the challenges, the responsibility, the sense of mission, the sense of purpose, the sense of fulfillment and excitement of working with and for a real team, the amazing feelings of empowerment and the control over their own destinies...."

    Senses and feelings don't fit in well with SMART goals do they?

    Entrepreneurs dream and visualise.

    Hired hands lock themselves in with X by Y goal settings ;)

    1. Hi SMOL,

      "Senses and feelings don't fit in well with SMART goals do they?". Sorry, I dont really get this.

      Yes entrepreneurs dream and visualise, but successful entrepreneurs make these dreams happen through hard work, passion and dedication. It is how much an entrepreneur wants it.

      Not really lah, rich people have X by Y goal settings too. I think goal settings are personal but of cause they need to be realistic.


    2. Little Boy,

      Timeframe (within a timeframe to be precise)

      The article you referenced talks about entrepreneurs sense of this and that, gushes, feelings of... Now try putting these emotions into SMART goal settings taught in schools ;)

      You have read the WORDS of the article. You have not felt the SPIRIT of the article yet.

      No worries. All in due time :)

    3. Hmmm. I guess you are trying to say that entrepreneurs go more by gut feel/courage/passion which sometimes are unplanned or unforeseeable? And this is contrary to the usual people of planning specific goals?

  3. Hahaha! I agree with SMOL :)

    Nobody starts off being an entrepreneur by wanting to earn X amt by Y amt of time. Why? because the journey is so tough and if there's nothing to earn in the first 5 yrs, what do you have to hope for to sustain you through the darkest part of your journey?

    1. Hi LP,

      True enough. I guess that is the point where many entrepreneurs break down and give up.
