Tuesday 29 April 2014

Simple Yet Effective Improvisation

A simple and innovative idea that brings wonder.
I did not know so much harm is done to our Mother Earth. Poor Earth.

Singapore's version uses the detector device system. The device will turn red when parking lot is filled, lights are green when there are empty lots. Similar idea but I wonder how much these devices are spent when the Koreans are using a much cheaper method of Balloons.

Hope this creativity will bring some inspiration to readers here.
Innovation and improvisation at its best!


Little Boy


  1. Need to maintain balloon..more regular pump helium gas, buy gas, store gas ...wear and tear of balloon ...at night cannot see ... has to be in open space not block by pillar or walls ..safety risk during windy days as the string may cut motorist or robe may entangle pedestrian necks into moving wheels ... heeee

    1. Hi Cory,

      Wahhhh. I did not think to such extent.
      Now that you mention, maybe balloon isn't a good idea after all.

      Any better ideas to share? hehe!
